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   “ What A Mighty God We Serve”-A Testimony By Santhosh Kumar,Oman

“ What A Mighty God We Serve”-A Testimony By Santhosh Kumar,Oman

Santhosh Kumar,Oman 7 years ago

One evening I took 106 sleeping pills and without telling anyone I went into a thick jungle on a high mountain and consumed all of them.

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What Is Powerful Prayer-By James Philip Koshy, Muscat

What Is Powerful Prayer-By James Philip Koshy, Muscat

James Philip Koshy, Muscat 7 years ago

When we pray sincerely and purposefully, according to God's will, God responds powerfully!

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God Still Provides Manna In The Desert By James Philip Koshy, Muscat

God Still Provides Manna In The Desert By James Philip Koshy, Muscat

James Philip Koshy, Muscat 7 years ago

Each day is a journey of faith to see how God will meet my need today. He is sovereign and He has orchestrated the timeline to meet my need today.

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Produce Fruit In Keeping With Repentance By James Philip Koshy, Muscat

Produce Fruit In Keeping With Repentance By James Philip Koshy, Muscat

James Philip Koshy, Muscat 8 years ago

Repentance is not a one-time act of confession; it is the ongoing and living decision to choose Christ and live for Him, even more so to allow Him to live in us.

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God – The Great Listener  By James Philip Koshy, Muscat

God – The Great Listener By James Philip Koshy, Muscat

James Philip Koshy, Muscat 8 years ago

He listens to your deep sighs of anguish and the inward groanings of your tired soul.

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